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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Liebster Award

                                                             Hey! I missed a post last! :(
                                                               I'm back today for another post...yay! :)

This is a bit of a special post. The wonderfully awesome Shalunya from Shalunya and Boyet nominated me for the Liebster Award. How sweet was that? She is Great,and I hope anyone who visits me will check out her blog to! So,the Liebster Award is for new bloggers/few followers. The award helps people find new blogs,and helps bloggers find new followers/readers/friends which is a wonderful thing. I had hoped to get this post up way sooner,but this week was cra (oh my goodness I almost put cra cra :[ crazy any whoo!

The to do list:
              * Answer the 11 questions set  for me
              * Tag 11 new bloggers/with fewer than 200 followers
              * Write a new set of 11 questions for the bloggers
              * Contact them to let them know

1) How many lipsticks do you own?
To many I think,but not as many as some. Lipsticks are my fav beauty product to buy so...yeah a good many,but not many high end ones though.:)

2) If money were no object,what 3 beauty items would you purchase?
It would have to be Creme De La Mer Moisturizer($285),Tria hair removal system($450),Tria skin perfecting blue light ($250). I would want to try the creme de la mer just to see how a moisturizer could cost so much lol. It would be nice to not have to shave anymore,so thats why I included the Tria. I have heard great things about light therapy for acne,and having my own personal device for that would be lovely.

3) What drugstore product doesn't get enough love,attention and respect from the beauty community?
 I have to shout out to my NYC Smooth Skin foundation. I talked about this in my NYC spotlight as well as my July favs. I have not heard anyone in the beauty community talk about this foundation or NYC much. I also want to mention two lip products I have never heard anyone talk about. I have only found them at some Rite Aid stores.The first is the Hedy's transparent lip crayon,and I love it. This is basically a sheer lip balm crayon. It is so buttery,moisturizes,smells good,cute,glossy. They are so great for summer.There is four shades raspberry,tangerine,watermelon,and grape.The other one is the City Color lip balm. I have the shade light pink,but I believe there are also three more shades. This is a balm,but has the color of a lipstick. It's smooth/creamy again this smells good/sweet. Both of these are like $2 or $3 dollars.

bottom-hedy's lip crayon in raspberry
top- city lip balm in light pink

4) If  you could start a beauty trend,what would it be?
 The not tanning trend/natural skin.Whatever it may be.For instance,I am very pale/fair. I know everyone loves to be super tan,but I think natural skintone is just as beautiful. I kinda admire people like Nicole Kidman, Rose Mcgowen ,Dita Von Teese. These women own their skin year round,and it's their signature. Not to mention how harsh the sun is on our skin for those who tan in a bed or the sun. SPF 100

5) If you could only purchase from one skincare line for life,which one would it be?
 WoW this is a hard question. I change up my skincare very frequently always searching for my miracle product. I also find that if I use the same products all the time they become less effective. This might just be my mind making an excuse to try new things. If I absolutely had to choose it would have to be Cetaphil. I have sensitive acne prone skin,and I know that Cetaphil products wont irritate my skin at all. The face wash gently cleanses my skin without making me red or my face feel tight. I love the Face moisturizer for oily/acne skin it helps control oil, spf ,oil free, fragrance free. My son has some mild eczema,so this is the brand I use for him as well.  

6) Why did you begin beauty blogging?'
I have always been very into beauty/makeup. I love to read beauty blogs or watch beauty vlogs on utube. Makeup makes me happy,and I love to talk about it. Surprisingly though not everyone shares my same zeal for all things beauty. I guess it seems kinda trivial to some. I don't see it that way though,and I wanted to connect with people who share my love for it.

7) You're backpacking and can only carry three beauty products,which 3 would you carry?
Well if it was just a day trip I would take my Sunscreen, lip balm,and my Mario Badescu Facial spray with aloe,herbs,rosewater. I have been obsessed with facial sprays lately. I feel like now that I have been using this I don't ever want to go without it,and it's funny it actually says that on the bottle. It is just so refreshing especially in the hot humid heat as of late.

8) What is your fav type of blog post to write ( review,fav,tutorials) why?
I love to do both reviews and favs,but to choose 1 reviews. Reviews are also my fav post to read or watch. They are just so helpful. I love to really get in there and analyze a product. It's just fun! Tutorials are not on my radar right now. I don't really look for to many tutorials usually,and I probably wont do many. Although I will have to say I have watched some hair tutorials. I have been really into braiding my hair lately,and I wanted to learn different types...4 strand,fishtail,waterfall

9) Which beauty trend or technique works really well for you? Which doesn't?
I love any kinda retro or throwback trends. For instance right now the 50s and 60s I believe are trending. I love how beautifully put together women looked back then just effortless. Old Hollywood Glamour will never go out of style though I'm sure. My Glamour Mag this month was the "Glamour of Hollywood" issue which was the original name of the magazine. It had a section on how hair and makeup trends have changed over the years like a now and then kinda deal...very interesting. As for a trend I don't get I'm not sure if it was an actual tend I have been seeing it around a lot though. The eyeliner line on the top part of the eyelid near the crease. Has anyone else seen ads with this look? I just thought that looked so silly! Why would that be a thing??

10) You can only blog about one brand which would it be?
To be honest if I had only one option I would not want to blog anymore. For me the fun of beauty blogging is trying new or different things. Plus I'm sure I would run out of things to say about one brand.

11) Why is beauty important to you?
Because it is fun! Because it empowers women to feel confident! Beauty is everywhere,and in everyone! ;)

So I will tag/nominate these lovely blogs:
Zsa Zsa

The Questions For them are:

1) What is your fav type of beauty product to buy (face,lips,eyes,hair)?
2) Top three products you wont go without everyday?
3) Fav everyday or neutral lip color?
4) Fav bold lip color?
5) What is the biggest fail makeup product you have ever tried?
6) What is a brand of makeup you love,but never hear anyone talk about?
7) Name the highend brand you believe is most worth the money?
8) Fav drugstore brand?
9) If you had to choose between going out without makeup,or without fixing your hair-what would you choose?
10) What is your go to makeup look for day and night?
11) Who is the greatest beauty influence in your life?

Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend,and has a great week ahead!;) xo


  1. I absolutely love all of your answers! Great post. I second your natural skin trend! It doesn't matter what you have so many seem to want the other. EMBRACE your own beauty!!! I loved your answer that you would stop blogging if you could only blog about one brand! I feel the same way! I love trying new things, that's the fun of beauty! Awesome post!

    1. TY so much Shalunya! I loved answering the questions! So fun! I am happy to hear you liked it!
